Zobrazuji všechny 3 výsledky

  • Nights #6

    Right on the heels of the last explosive issue, Gray gets one step closer to discovering her true origin. Meanwhile, in the real world, Vince and his friends have hours before Santo Pedro is blown off the map. From this … Více
  • Nights #5

    Ay-yo, it’s a nice, normal, chill time at the local water park. Don’t mind the mysterious liquid floating in the water, it’s probably nothing! Vince and Gray are finally gonna chat about their feelings, what could go wrong?!
  • Nights #2

    It’s movie night with Gray, and Vince is taking the long way home. And there’s only one way back…through the mysterious woods. Now, all that waits for him is blood, teeth, and vintage cola. Stay outta the woods, lover boy.